Healing Pain, Changing Lives.

Comments, discussions, testimonials, workshops, meditations and other events being held for my clients and colleagues

Monday 15 November 2010

Testimonials for Pain Release Technique

 ‘I really enjoy the process. I use it before going to sleep. When I stop is when I feel the pain, especially in my hips, so it is difficult to get to sleep. Sometimes the pain moves and sometimes it goes. It is weird. I will definitely keep using it’.

‘It calms me down if I am anxious or stressed. I use it in bed when I have pain and I am able to get to sleep and the next day it is better. It does work, if the pain comes on I will definitely use it in the future’.

‘My neck has been as free as it has ever been. The process releases the stiffness. It also helped with the tiredness and it has eased the pain. I will carry on using it’

‘It allows me to accept things instead of tensing up more. You relax out of it. I have slept a lot better and have not taken any pain killers for three weeks. I have used the process every night, I sleep better and do not wake as tense so there is less of a problem in the day’.

‘It works! It takes the pain off. Whenever [the pain] comes on I just calm myself, accept the pain and it goes. I am left at peace. I feel like a different person. Nice to think I haven’t got pain! I can manage now’.

‘Rather than thinking what shall I do with myself and thrashing about and getting up and taking pain killers I do a process and fall asleep – all night’.

I can teach you the Pain Release Technique to use on your own pain whenever you need to. I am holding a seminar in the beautiful surroundings of Park Willow on December 5th,  see the attached programme, and I look forward to giving you a tool that will make a real difference to your life.