Healing Pain, Changing Lives.

Comments, discussions, testimonials, workshops, meditations and other events being held for my clients and colleagues

Thursday 10 November 2011

feedback from a client who came with depression

Thinking about your session:

What has struck you most?  How I have learned to be more accepting of myself & my emotions.

What was challenging?  Allowing myself to feel the emotions completely and let go of the fear that prevented me from doing so.

 How do you think it has affected you personally? 

It has made me more accepting of myself and my emotions, making me less panicky when I begin to get upset. I feel a much calmer person.

 How will it affect your health and relationships in the future?

It has made me have a healthier relationship with food, my body and my own self worth, which in turn has helped me be able to connect with my partner, family and friends without being afraid of being hurt.

What plans have you made using the techniques to support you?  I have set myself time in the evening to sit quietly and draw myself to any emotions I am feeling or have been feeling that day.

I had a great weekend! .. and a lot of that has to do with your help in giving me back the confidence in myself I had lost.
... Thank you for that