Healing Pain, Changing Lives.

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Wednesday 25 July 2012

Bill Rumble Workshop

Bill Rumble

Pattern and Process

~ The Art of Homeopathy

Leeds weekend workshop:

15th & 16th September 2012

In Paragraph 104 of the Organon Hahnemann tells us “Once the totality of symptoms that principally determine and distinguish the disease case – in other words, the image of any kind of disease – has been exactly recorded, the most difficult work is done”.

Receiving and recording the image of the disease is not only the most difficult part of the job but also the most fascinating and rewarding. Why do we spend the majority of our time and effort sifting through data banks and classifying our patients into Kingdoms etc when we can, by allowing the process of the case to follow its natural path, enable the pattern to reveal itself.

In truth, there is no such thing as a system in nature; the only system is the unexpected one.

Hahnemann tells us that it is through the symptoms alone that the disease demands and points to the appropriate medicine for its relief (paragraph 7). What he is saying is that the disease is a communication process eager to give us full instructions on how to assist it in its urge to be creatively transformed.

This seminar is an opportunity for us to work together and explore the dynamics of disease and how to become an assistant of natural and creative healing. We will study the Organon (not the whole book!) and decode the processes that it describes through lectures, group work, video and interaction with each other.

Bill Rumble is the founder of the Welsh School of Homeopathy and a senior lecturer at the School of Homeopathy in Stroud. He has been in practice since 1985 and has lectured and practiced in England, Ireland, Ghana, Czech Republic, USA and, of course, Wales. Bill has habitually looked outside of homeopathy for inspiration, has studied Process Orientated approaches to therapy and participated widely in ritual group work with Robert Bly, James Hillman and Malidoma Some. Originally, a bricklayer and anthropology graduate Bill lives by the sea in the Gower peninsula near Swansea with his partner Aine and their three children. Bill enjoys being outdoors and playing in a West African dance band.

“I am really looking to coming to the North of England to share this process work with you. This workshop will be relaxed, non-hierarchical and, hopefully, really exciting!”

Fee: £110

Bookings/ details: call Jacqueline Beattie on 0113 2747063

Email: jbeattie@talktalk.net