I admit it, I had high blood pressure for a few years.
I did not want a stroke, so I did take medical advice and I set a level above which I would consider taking drugs but I saw this as a last resort, I was not keen to start to take a chemical that would affect my whole system and I would likely be on for the rest of my life.
And yes, I succeeded in reducing my blood pressure to an acceptable level. I tried all sorts and in the end I believe these were the three things that really helped:
1. I stopped drinking coffee
2. I took regular exercise
3. I meditated.
I now practice (and teach) mindfulness, I have a dog who insists I keep up with the exercise whatever the weather and now I can occasionally treat myself to a caffeinated coffee and my blood pressure is spot on for a woman of my age.
So I invite you to take charge of your own health. What can you lose?
If you would like more encouragement I would be delighted to help,
email me: clare@clarewaltershealth.co.uk
or call 07984115927